What is Stone-Veneer?
SmartStone suppliers of Richter Stone-Veneer " The Original" inventors of one of the most exciting innovations in the stone industry over the past few years. These light, flexible and ultra thin sheets of natural stone are the first real stone that a wood worker can process with his normal tools,without the need for specialised skills or equipment. This in turn opens up huge opportunities for the use of Stone Slate-Veneer in domestic, commercial and industrial applications.
The Natural Stone Veneers are split to a thickness of 0.1 - 2.0 mm from the stone slabs, sometimes weighing over 5 tons each, then using polyester resin and glass fibre on the backside to hold the structure together to create a tile with real stone texture and finish
Stone-Veneer can be applied over nearly any solid substrate including: wood, drywall, metal, concrete, plywood, Mdf, backed board,Fberglass, tile, cabinetry, and painted surfaces.
SmartStone are sole Irish distributors for all Richter Stone-Veneer products , if you are a Trade enquiry, Interior Design company or Tile installation company please contact us directly on info@smartstone.ie or the contact phone numbers below .